Hormigón I (74.01 y 94.01) - Facultad
de Ingeniería
Sitios de Interés
Se presenta a continuación un listado de posibles programas que pueden ser de utilidad |
Frame3DD. Static and Dynamic Structural Analysis of 2D and 3D Frames: http://frame3dd.sourceforge.net/ |
Robot (registrarse como estudiante): http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/download/item?id=12031356&siteID=123112 |
FEA software for Structural and Civil Egineering: http://cuylaerts.net/ |
A.A.B.H. | Asociación Argentina del Bloque de Hormigón | http://www.aabh.org.ar/ |
AATH | Asociación Argentina de Tecnología del Hormigón | http://www.aath.org.ar/aath/ |
AAHES | Asociación Argentina del Hormigón Estructural | http://www.aahes.org.ar/ |
AAHE | Asociación Argentina del Hormigón Elaborado | http://www.hormigonelaborado.com/ |
AIE | Asociación de Ingenieros Estructurales | http://www.aiearg.org.ar/ |
ACI | American Concrete Institute | http://www.aci-int.org/ |
CPCI | Canadian Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute | http://www.cpci.ca/ |
CRSI | Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute | http://www.crsi.org/ |
JCI | Japan Concrete Institute | http://www.jci-net.or.jp/index_e.html |
NCMA | National Concrete Masonry Association | http://www.ncma.org/ |
PCI | Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute | http://www.pci.org/ |
SCA | Swedish Concrete Association | http://www.betong.se/ |
ACBM | National Science Foundation, Advanced Cement-Based Materials | http://acbm.northwestern.edu/ |
BCA | British Cement Association | http://www.bca.org.uk/ |
SIKA | Sika Argentina S.A.I.C. | http://www.sika.com.ar/ |
CAC | Cement Association of Canada | http://www.cement.ca/cement.nsf |
CEMBUREAU | The European Cement Association in Brussels | http://www.cembureau.be/ |
ICPA | Instituto del Cemento Portland Argentino | http://www.icpa.org.ar/ |
PCA | Portland Cement Association | http://www.portcement.org/ |
GRACE | Grace Construction Products | http://www.ar.graceconstruction.com/ |
MBT | MBT Argentina | http://www.degussa.com.ar/ |
ACINDAR | Industria Argentina de Aceros S.A. | http://www.acindar.com.ar/ |
AISC | American Institute Of Steel Construction | http://www.aisc.org/ |
AISI | American Iron and Steel Institute | http://www.steel.org/ |
AWS | American Welding Society | http://www.aws.org/ |
IACA | Instituto Argentino de la Construcción en Acero | http://www.iaca-ac.com/ |
SBI | Swedish Institute of Steel Construction | http://www.sbi.se/ |
SDI | Steel Deck Institute | http://www.sdi.org/ |
SJI | Steel Joist Institute | http://www.steeljoist.org/ |
SMA | Steel Manufacturers Association | http://www.steelnet.org/ |
SSPC | Steel Structures Painting Council | http://www.sspc.org/ |
CISC | Canadian Institute of Steel Construction | http://www.cisc-icca.ca/ |
SBI | Swedish Institute of Steel Construction | http://www.algonet.se/~sbi/ |
SIPAR- GERDAU | Aceros para construcción | http://www.sipargerdau.com |
AITC | American Institute of Timber Construction | http://www.aitc-glulam.org/ |
APA | The Engineered Wood Association | http://www.apawood.org/ |
AWC | American Wood Council | http://www.awc.org/ |
AWPI | American Wood Preservers Institute | http://www.awpi.org/ |
CWC | Canadian Wood Council | http://www.cwc.ca/ |
TRATEK | Swedish Insitute for Wood Technology Research | http://www.tratek.se/ |
BIA | Brick Industry Association | http://www.bia.org/ |
EMDB | European Masonry Data Bank | http://itc.fgg.uni-lj.si/emdb/ |
CMACN | Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada | http://www.cmacn.org/ |
IMI | International Masonry Institute | http://www.imiweb.org/ |
MAC | Masonry Advisory Council Online | http://www.maconline.org/ |
MIA | Masonry Institute of America | http://www.masonryinstitute.org/ |
AASHTO | American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | http://www.aashto.org/ |
ABCD | Association for Bridge Construction and Design | http://abcdpittsburgh.org/ |
APWA | American Public Works Association | http://www.apwa.net/ |
BGFMA | Bridge Grid Flooring Manufacturers Association | http://abcdpittsburgh.org/BGFMA.htm |
DOT | US Department of Transportation | http://www.dot.gov/ |
FHWA | FHWA Bridge Division | http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/ |
IABSE | International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering | http://www.iabse.ethz.ch/ |
LCPC | Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees | http://www.lcpc.inrets.fr/ |
TRB | Transportation Research Board | http://www.nas.edu/trb/ |
WSDOT | Washington State Department of Transportation, Bridge and Structures Office | http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/eesc/bridge/ |
ACEC | The American Council of Engineering Companies | http://www.acec.org/ |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers | http://www.asce.org/ |
ASEE | American Society of Engineering Education | http://www.asee.org/ |
CAI | Centro Argentino de Ingenieros | http://www.cai.org.ar/ |
CASE | Council of American Structural Engineers | http://www.acec.org/case/index.html |
CIBSE | Chartered Instititution of Building Services Engineers | http://www.cibse.org/ |
CSCE | Canadian Society for Civil Engineering | http://www.csce.ca/ |
EBSES | East Bay Structural Engineers Society | http://www.prado.com/~dtrimble/ebses.htm |
ICE | The Institution of Civil Engineers | http://www.ice.org.uk/ |
ISE | The Institution of Structural Engineers | http://www.istructe.org.uk/ |
JSCE | Japan Society of Civil Engineers | |
LGSEA | Light Gauge Steel Engineers Association | http://www.lgsea.com/ |
NCSEA | National Council of Structural Engineers Associations | http://dwp.bigplanet.com/engineers/homepage/ |
NSPE | National Society of Professional Engineers | http://www.nspe.org/ |
SEAO | Structural Engineers Association of Oregon | http://www.seao.org/ |
SEAOA | Structural Engineers Association of Arizona | http://www.seaoa.org/ |
SEAOC | Structural Engineers Association of California | http://www.seaoc.org/ |
SEAOH | Structural Engineers Association of Hawaii | http://www.seaoh.org/ |
SEAOI | Structural Engineers Association of Illinois | http://www.seaoi.org/ |
SEAOT | Structural Engineers Association of Texas | http://www.seaot.org/ |
STD | Swedish Federation of Architects and Consulting Engineers | http://www.std.se/engtext.htm |
SVR | Swedish Society of Civil and Structural Engineers | http://www.svr.se/ |
USACE | U.S. Army Corp of Engineers | http://www.usace.army.mil/ |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | http://www.ansi.org/ |
BOCA | Building Officials & Code Administrators International | http://www.bocai.org/ |
CCB | Construction Criteria Base-Specifications | http://www.ccb.org/ |
CIRSOC | Centro de los Reglamentos Nacionales de Seguridad para la Obras Civiles | |
CSI | Construction Specifications Institute | http://www.csinet.org/ |
DIN | Deutsches Institut fur Normung | http://www.din.de/ |
ISO | International Standards Organization | http://www.iso.ch/ |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association | http://www.nfpa.org/ |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | http://www.nist.gov/ |
OSHA | Drill down for complete text of OSHA Code of Federal Regulations Standards | http://www.osha.gov/ |
SBCCI | The Southern Building Code Congress International | http://www.sbcci.org/ |
SIS | Swedish Standards Institution | http://www.sis.se/ |
ICBO - UBC | International Conference of Building Officials,publisher of the Uniform Building Code | http://www.icbo.org/ |